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45 Pharma Hacks AUG 2021 – WP Security Exploits for SEO/DDoS


Pharma Hacks AUG 2021

WP Security Exploits for SEO/DDoS

Be informed about the latest WP Security Exploits for SEO gains and DoS/DDoS remote controls, identified and reported publicly. With Pharma Hacks AUG 2021 the consequences of a hack are ugly. You will experience major backlash on your WordPress domain, costly damage control/recovery, immediate revenue loss with long-term consequences. Consider our FREE Pharma Hacks AUDIT.

An estimated 10.417.000+ active WordPress installations are susceptible to these attack types, considering only the publicly available numbers. The estimated number can double with versions already closed due to security concerns.

It is a whooping 463% increased trend compared to December 2020. We compare last month versus previous winter holiday season, which has the biggest shopping traffic and attack spike throughout the year. Read more about our previous reports here: 21 Pharma Hacks JUL 2021 – WP Security Exploits for SEO/DDoS and 8 Pharma Hacks JAN 2021 – WP Security Exploits for SEO/DDoS. The following cases made headlines PUBLICLY just last month in the Pharma Hacks AUG 2021 category:

Hire security professionals to protect your WordPress from publicly reported cases of Pharma Hacks AUG 2021 BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! You will also protect your customers, your reputation and your online business!

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  • Smash Balloon Social Post Feed – Unauthenticated Stored XSS
    • Display Facebook posts on your WordPress site. Completely customizable, responsive, search engine crawlable, and GDPR compliant Facebook feeds. Display unlimited Facebook feeds from your Facebook page or Facebook Group, and completely match the look and feel of your site with tons of customization options! Automatically powers any Facebook oEmbeds on your site. Active installations: 200,000+

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  • Site Reviews – Authenticated Stored XSS
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      other editors but can manage everything directly in the Gutenberg editor you already know and love. You can add any content on top that you want! Gutenslider is faster and slicker than any other slider around. Go and try it out yourself and make use of a content slider, image slider and video slider that will increase user engagement on your website and allow you to create your sliders in seconds not in minutes, by using the Gutenberg backend editor you know already. No need to study complicated backend editors. Gutenslider is the best match for you and your customers. Active installations: 10,000+

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Get Healthy, Stay Healthy! A healthier online business starts today and it begins with you. Hire security experts to solve all your vulnerabilities created from Pharma Hacks AUG 2021.

BRIEF: Pharma Hacks AUG 2021 is an SEO spam attack type, where a legitimate website is used to sell illicit drugs. In this type of attack, hackers hijack websites, injects malware and uses that specific domain to sell illicit drugs like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. This is where it started and got its name. Today, not just potency drugs are a drive. Anything that created interest from humans, but their local legislation failed to keep up with the latest trends are in this category. Consider this as a modern inquisition, where your domain is the heretic, spreading undesired ideology – sadly unknowingly.

Pharma Hacks Explained

The Pharma Hacks AUG 2021 exploits are used to insert rogue code in outdated versions of WordPress, themes and plugins. This new content inside existing pages and post are causing search engines to return ads for pharmaceutical products after a new indexation. The vulnerability is more of a spam menace than traditional malware but gives search engines enough reason to block the domain for distributing spam (NOT creating, JUST maintaining, harbouring, spreading).

Working parts of a Pharma Hacks AUG 2021 include a backdoor in plugins, themes and databases. However, the exploits are often vicious variants of encrypted malicious injections hidden in databases and require a thorough clean-up process to fix the vulnerability. Nevertheless, you can easily prevent Pharma Hacks by regularly updating your WordPress installations, themes, and plugins.

What is the impact of Pharma Hacks AUG 2021?

The consequences of a hack are ugly. You will experience some major backlash on your WordPress domain such as:

– A marked drop in search engine rankings for the keywords you’re targeting;
– High bounce rates as visitors are redirected to different websites;
– Wasted SEO efforts in the future;
– SERP blacklist warnings on your website like:
— This site may be hacked
— Deceptive site ahead etc;
— Hosting account suspensions;
— Email providers blacklisting your domain;
— High cleanup, recovery, damage control costs;
— Major decline in your brand’s image, reputation.


What is Denial of Service (DoS)?

Perhaps the most dangerous of them all, Denial of Service (DoS) is used to overwhelm a specific domain’s hosting resources (memory, CPU, bandwidth, etc). Denial of service is typically accomplished by flooding the targeted machine or resource with superfluous requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being fulfilled.

Hackers have compromised millions of websites and raked in millions by exploiting outdated and buggy versions of WordPress, themes, plugins and 3rd party connected software. Even the latest versions of WordPress software cannot comprehensively defend against high-profile DoS attacks, but will at least help you to avoid getting caught in the crossfire between financial institutions and sophisticated cybercriminals.

What is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)?

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one of the most powerful weapons on the internet. When you hear about a website being “brought down by hackers”, it generally means it has become a victim of a DDoS attack. In short, this means that hackers made that domain unavailable by flooding or crashing the website with too much traffic.

Although financially motivated cybercriminals are less likely to target small companies, they tend to compromise outdated vulnerable websites in creating botnet chains to attack large businesses. The primary way a DDoS is accomplished is through a network of remotely controlled, hacked domains. This is where small businesses come to the crossfire. These are often referred to as zombies, botnets or network of bots. These are used to flood a high profile target.

What is the impact of DoS/DDoS?

Starts with a slow website, with vital parts not working accordingly (checkout, orders/account registration, processing, dispatching). It peaks for a real visitor as page not available. When the entire server crashed, then the domain is unavailable. END GAME.

This is a costly thing to defend in a cloud environment, due to creating more and more servers to serve traffic spike, it burns your hosting budget for an entire year in a few hours. In classical hosting environments, using a single physical machine to host the domain is simply incapable of facing even the most simple, smallest DoS or DDoS attacks.

SOLVE TODAY any reported Pharma Hacks AUG 2021 vulnerability! Do you suspect security / seo circumvention in your WP?

Not sure that our recurrent security offer is worthy of long-term consideration? Contact us today for a FREE Pharma Hacks AUDIT! Decide after you compare RISK + IMPACT versus COST.

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