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WordPress 4.9.6 Privacy and Maintenance Release


WordPress 4.9.6 is now available. This is a privacy and maintenance release. We encourage you to update your sites to take advantage of the new privacy features.


The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect on May 25. The GDPR requires companies and site owners to be transparent about how they collect, use, and share personal data. It also gives individuals more access and choice when it comes to how their own personal data is collected, used, and shared.

It’s important to understand that while the GDPR is a European regulation, its requirements apply to all sites and online businesses that collect, store, and process personal data about EU residents no matter where the business is located.

You can learn more about the GDPR from the European Commission’s Data Protection page.

We’re committed to supporting site owners around the world in their work to comply with this important law. As part of that effort, we’ve added a number of new privacy features in this release.

ASK US ANYTHING WORDPRESS RELATED: We can offer you confidently, SEVERAL OPTIONS to choose which one suits your needs better.


Logged-out commenters will be given a choice on whether their name, email address and website are saved in a cookie on their browser.

Privacy Policy Page

Site owners can now designate a privacy policy page. This page will be shown on your login and registration pages. You should manually add a link to your policy to every page on your website. If you have a footer menu, that’s a great place to include your privacy policy.

In addition, we’ve created a guide that includes insights from WordPress and participating plugins on how they handle personal data. These insights can be copied and pasted into your site’s privacy policy to help you get started.

If you maintain a plugin that collects data, we recommend including that information in WordPress’ privacy policy guide. Learn more in our Privacy section of the Plugin Handbook.

It’s time to see THE BIG PICTURE!

Data Handling


Data Export

Site owners can export a ZIP file containing a user’s personal data, using data gathered by WordPress and participating plugins.

Data Erasure

Site owners can erase a user’s personal data, including data collected by participating plugins.


A request has been made to perform the following action on your account:

Export Personal Data

To confirm this, please click on the following link:…

You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to
take this action.

This email has been sent to

Your friends at WordPress

Site owners have a new email-based method that they can use to confirm personal data requests. This request confirmation tool works for both export and erasure requests, and for both registered users and commenters.

Protect your WordPress: BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! You will also protect your customers, your reputation and your online business!


95 updates were made in WordPress 4.9.6. In addition to the above, particularly of note were:

  • “Mine” has been added as a filter in the media library.
  • When viewing a plugin in the admin, it will now tell you the minimum PHP version required.
  • We’ve added new PHP polyfills for forwards-compatibility and proper variable validation.
  • TinyMCE was updated to the latest version (4.7.11).


Ticket Summary Type Priority
#43873 Relocate 'Privacy / Export / Erasure' pages into more appropriate menus enhancement high
#43931 Use associative array instead of numeric for exporters and erasers enhancement high
#43952 Database error inserting cron job on fresh install defect (bug) high
#43954 Showing the privacy policy admin notice on all screens is intrusive enhancement high
#44055 Don't show notice to the privacy policy guide when user cannot view the guide defect (bug) high
#44057 It's not obvious what to do if menu bubble for policy update appears defect (bug) high
#44091 Rename exports folder to avoid deleting other files defect (bug) high
#42202 REST API: no equivalent for `who=authors` to display potential authors enhancement normal
#42919 Unable to upload files with the AAC extension defect (bug) normal
#43374 PHP 7.2 Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /wp-includes/theme.php on line 356 defect (bug) normal
#43375 Incorrect 'old_slug_redirect_post_id' filter docs defect (bug) normal
#43435 Add settings screen for creating a privacy policy enhancement normal
#43436 Add opt-in for commenter cookies enhancement normal
#43440 Add personal data from comments to personal data export enhancement normal
#43442 Add tools for anonymizing of commenters enhancement normal
#43443 Add a method for confirmation of requests for deleting or anonymizing of personal data enhancement normal
#43473 Add default text for a privacy policy enhancement normal
#43481 Add tabs and placeholders to privacy tools page in wp-admin enhancement normal
#43491 Automatically create a Privacy Policy page when installing WordPress enhancement normal
#43545 Helper functions: Anonymizing data in a standardized way enhancement normal
#43547 Add personal data from usermeta/userdata to personal data export enhancement normal
#43551 Add a means to package personal data into a file enhancement normal
#43583 Introduce new PHP cross-version compat function `is_countable()` enhancement normal
#43619 Introduce new PHP cross-version compat function `is_iterable()` enhancement normal
#43620 Privacy Policy page design enhancement normal
#43637 Add filters and ajax support for personal data erasure enhancement normal
#43650 Add Requires PHP Version to Plugin - View Details enhancement normal
#43715 Add Privacy Policy link to bundled theme footers enhancement normal
#43721 Adding links to imprint and privacy policy pages on WP login screens enhancement normal
#43739 Include 'viewable' attribute on Post Type resource for 'edit' context enhancement normal
#43820 Add "Mine" filter for attachments similarly to posts and comments enhancement normal
#43843 Set nocache_headers in wp-sign-up.php defect (bug) normal
#43846 Fix Count Styling on Personal Data Request Tables Post Status Links defect (bug) normal
#43850 Add privacy policy URL template tags enhancement normal
#43852 Fix spacing on responsive for Use This Page button in Privacy Tools defect (bug) normal
#43862 TinyMCE: Update to 4.7.11 task (blessed) normal
#43872 Add page template filter for all post types enhancement normal
#43883 Add a user's attachments to the personal data export file enhancement normal
#43894 Rename page / menu 'Privacy Tools' to 'Privacy Policy Page' enhancement normal
#43905 Personal data export link does not work defect (bug) normal
#43908 Export keeps generating new .zip files on Windows installations defect (bug) normal
#43909 Improve styling on personal data tables defect (bug) normal
#43911 Add mailto into Export/Erasure tables enhancement normal
#43913 On sending the personal data export email, the request should be marked COMPLETED defect (bug) normal
#43915 Bundled Themes: Bump version number and update changelog in all themes for 4.9.6 release task (blessed) normal
#43917 Set nocache_headers in wp-activate.php defect (bug) normal
#43919 Disable personal data export and personal data erasure for multisite (for now) defect (bug) normal
#43920 Use the terms erase / erasure instead of remove / removal for personal data defect (bug) normal
#43922 Data removal/erasure requests don't get marked as "Completed" after erasure happens defect (bug) normal
#43925 Inconsistencies in GDPR strings defect (bug) normal
#43926 Improve flow for privacy.php enhancement normal
#43929 Privacy pages: buttons should be buttons and other coding standards defect (bug) normal
#43934 Missing doc for the user_request_key_expiration filter defect (bug) normal
#43935 Limit Privacy Policy screen to Super Admins in Multisite enhancement normal
#43939 Fix spelling mistake - gdpr defect (bug) normal
#43940 Privacy Policy Settings: Don't show page selector if you don't have any pages defect (bug) normal
#43942 Add pointers informing users of the new privacy pages enhancement normal
#43945 Missing closing button tag in 'Live Preview' button defect (bug) normal
#43951 Typos in `WP_Privacy_Policy_Content::get_default_content()` defect (bug) normal
#43953 Seeing the `privacy policy text has changed` notice on fresh installs is confusing defect (bug) normal
#43961 Privacy Policy popup covers collapsed admin menu defect (bug) normal
#43964 "Email Data" button text - Make it more clear that an export link is sent, not the whole data? enhancement normal
#43965 GDPR Privacy Notes Don't Play Nice with Gutenberg defect (bug) normal
#43966 Prioritize the User group in Personal Data Exports to right below the About group enhancement normal
#43968 Add Request Type into Confirmation Email Subject for GDPR enhancement normal
#43969 Custom themes will not work in TinyMCE 4.7 defect (bug) normal
#43970 Add request type to the confirmation confirmation page - GDPR defect (bug) normal
#43973 Email user once removal request completed - GDPR defect (bug) normal
#43980 Consider outputting the suggested privacy policy content to a new page insted of a postbox defect (bug) normal
#43984 Customize: JavaScript error when opening Text widget defect (bug) normal
#44015 Add `id` attribute to each row of privacy post list tables defect (bug) normal
#44016 user_request_action_email_content filter hook documentation inaccurate defect (bug) normal
#44026 Export and Erase Personal Data tables misaligned under 782px defect (bug) normal
#44031 Add personal data export request ID to the wp_privacy_personal_data_export_file_created hook enhancement normal
#44040 Potential PHP notice in `wp_ajax_wp_privacy_erase_personal_data()` defect (bug) normal
#44045 GDPR WP Pointer dismiss link can be unreachable defect (bug) normal
#44046 GDPR Privacy Policy Link in wp-login.php page can overflow other links defect (bug) normal
#44048 Privacy: exclude the wrapper from the default policy content defect (bug) normal
#44050 Privacy: Abandoned heading in `WP_Privacy_Policy_Content::get_default_content()` defect (bug) normal
#44054 Privacy: Escape the comment link output in the wp_comments_personal_data_exporter() function. defect (bug) normal
#44056 Fix markup for table of contents on privacy policy guide defect (bug) normal
#44062 Don't show privacy feature pointer to new users defect (bug) normal
#44063 Privacy policy guide: do not remove the "Suggested text has changed" bubble on saving the policy page defect (bug) normal
#44064 Define $title and $parent_file in privacy.php defect (bug) normal
#44065 Remove is-dismissible class from notice when privacy info has changed defect (bug) normal
#44075 GDPR inline documentation improvements defect (bug) normal
#44076 Add `wp_page_for_privacy_policy` to `populate_options()` defect (bug) normal
#44079 Require `manage_privacy_options` capability to edit the privacy policy page defect (bug) normal
#44092 Export/Erase tools: CSS issues with `next_steps` buttons with some locales defect (bug) normal
#44093 Proposed Adjustment to Privacy Settings buttons enhancement normal
#44113 Add `esc_html` to assertion in test_wp_comments_personal_data_exporter defect (bug) normal
#43438 Add filters and Ajax support for personal data export enhancement low
#43546 Add to the privacy tools UX a means to export personal data by username or email address enhancement low
#43602 Add to the privacy tools UX a means to erase personal data by username or email address enhancement low
#43967 Admin emails after email confirmation don't work for GDPR requests enhancement low

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