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Feature of the week: Your own Publishing Checklist inside your WordPress


The discipline you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself. - Bo Bennett

We all accumulated a lot of professional TIPS & TRICKS on how to engage a reader with your writing. (If not, then or you should start immediately!). However, actually using ALL THESE RECOMMENDATIONS in your daily blogging is a totally different story. Mostly we're all caught either on the creative side (riding the wave of an endless flood of words and ignoring the technical part) OR going crazy how to meet simple rules of the technical side (like reducing 17 characters from your perfect catchy title).

Meet the solution:

Good Writer Checkify - WP Plugin, created by Steve Bailey


  • To start using it, please install and activate the Good Writer Checkify plugin.
  • After activation, go to Settings » Good Writer Checkify page to create your checklist.
  • Activate Your own Publishing Checklist inside your WordPress with the "Show Checkbox's in Post/Page-editing" checkbox.
  • Add your checklist items, one by one, up to a max 25 items.
  • Save Changes.
  • Add new post in WordPress. You'll see your checklist below the post editor.
  • Drag & drop on your right, under the Featured Image box, for a more simpler view.
  • Check off your items in the list as you incorporate the requirenments into your post.
  • Review the checklist before publishing your post.

ASK US ANYTHING WORDPRESS RELATED: We can offer you confidently, SEVERAL OPTIONS to choose which one suits your needs better.

Interested in our Publishing Checklist?

  1. Add a Catchy Title (max 70 chars)
  2. Primary Keyword in Title
  3. Primary Keyword used in URL
  4. Use image(s) in content
  5. Use featured image
  6. Primary Keyword used in Content
  7. Primary Keyword in Bold
  8. Keyword Variations used in Content
  9. Add CTA (call-to-action)
  10. Add categories
  11. Add tags
  12. Preview and TEST
  13. All external links open in a new tab
  14. Add Meta Title (max 70 chars)
  15. Add Meta Description (max 140 chars)
  16. Primary Keyword in Description
  17. Specify Search Result Type
  18. Add Social Networks Listing Title
  19. Add Social Networks Listing Description
  20. Add Social Networks Listing Image
  21. Specify Open Graph Type
  22. Specify Twitter Type
  23. Schedule + Publicly PUBLISH

Ideas implemented from constrained points of view (biased developers, designers, sysadmins) will NOT BENEFIT YOUR online strategies, harming your long-term competitiveness.

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