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WP SQLi NOV 2024: 37 WP SQL Injections 2024 Hack


WP SQLi NOV 2024 | WP SQL Injections

Tailored WordPress Security Report

Be informed about the latest WP SQL Injections, identified and reported publicly. WP SQLi NOV 2024 is a +32% INCREASE compared to previous month, as specifically targeted SQL Injections. Consider for your online safety, a tailored WP/Woo Security AUDIT, - OR - switching with a TOP10LIST alternative WP Security Plugin - OR - Hire professionals for tailored WP Security.

Hire security geeks to protect your WP/Woo from publicly reported cases of WP SQL Injections BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! You will also protect your customers, your reputation and your online business!

The following cases made headlines PUBLICLY in the WP SQLi NOV 2024 & WP SQL Injections category:

Administrator Z SQL Injection (SQLi)
Ajax Rating with Custom Login SQL Injection (SQLi)
Apa Banner Slider Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) to SQL Injection (SQLi)
APA Register Newsletter Form Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) to SQL Injection (SQLi)
Author Discussion SQL Injection (SQLi)
Back Link Tracker Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) to SQL Injection (SQLi)
Backup and Staging by WP Time Capsule SQL Injection (SQLi)
CSV Product Import Export for WooCommerce SQL Injection (SQLi)
Duplicate Title Validate SQL Injection (SQLi)
Email Verification for WooCommerce SQL Injection (SQLi) SQL Injection (SQLi)
Kento Post View Counter SQL Injection (SQLi)
LatePoint Unauthenticated Arbitrary User Password Change from SQL Injection (SQLi)
League of Legends Shortcodes SQL Injection (SQLi)
MyTweetLinks SQL Injection (SQLi)
Photo Gallery Slideshow & Masonry Tiled Gallery SQL Injection (SQLi)
Poll Maker SQL Injection (SQLi)
Premium SEO Pack SQL Injection (SQLi)
Product Filter by WBW SQL Injection (SQLi)
Rate Own Post SQL Injection (SQLi)
Responsive Poll SQL Injection (SQLi) from orderby Parameter
RSVP ME SQL Injection (SQLi)
SafetyForms Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) to SQL Injection (SQLi)
SermonAudio Widgets SQL Injection (SQLi)
ShortPixel Image Optimizer SQL Injection (SQLi)
Simple Code Insert Shortcode SQL Injection (SQLi)
Social Link Groups SQL Injection (SQLi)
Surfer SQL Injection (SQLi)
SW Contact Form SQL Injection (SQLi)
Tainacan SQL Injection (SQLi)
TI WooCommerce Wishlist Unauthenticated SQL Injection (SQLi) from lang parameters
Woocommerce Quote Calculator SQL Injection (SQLi)
WP-Advanced-Search Unauthenticated SQL Injection (SQLi)
WP Easy Gallery SQL Injection (SQLi) from key Parameter
WP Post Author SQL Injection (SQLi)
WP Sessions Time Monitoring Full Automatic SQL Injection (SQLi)
Zoho CRM Lead Magnet SQL Injection (SQLi)
WordPress SQL Injections (SQLi) reported in 2023: 223
WordPress SQL Injections (SQLi) reported in 2024: 292

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy! A healthier online business starts today and it begins with your WP/Woo. Hire security experts to solve all your vulnerabilities created from WP SQL Injections.

SOLVE TODAY any reported WP SQL Injections vulnerability! Do you suspect any SQL Injections in your WordPress / WooCommerce?

Not sure that our recurrent security offer is worthy of long-term consideration? Contact us today for an SQL Injections audit! Decide after you compare RISK + IMPACT versus COST.

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