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WordPress 4.9.8 Privacy and Maintenance Release


WordPress 4.9.8 is now available, since August 2, 2018. This is a privacy and maintenance release. This WordPress Maintenance release fixes 46 bugs, enhancements and blessed tasks, including updating the Twenty Seventeen bundled theme, 18 Privacy fixes focused on ensuring consistency and flexibility in the new personal data tools added in 4.9.6, including:

  • The type of request being confirmed is now included in the subject line for all privacy confirmation emails.
  • Improved consistency with site name being used for privacy emails in multisite.
  • Increased the test coverage for several core privacy functions.
  • Pagination for Privacy request admin screens can now be adjusted.

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“Try Gutenberg” callout

Most users will now be presented with a notice in their WordPress dashboard. This “Try Gutenberg” is an opportunity for users to use the Gutenberg block editor before it is released in WordPress 5.0.


In WordPress 4.9.8, the callout will be shown to the following users:

  • If Gutenberg is not installed or activated, the callout will be shown to Admin users on single sites, and Super Admin users on multisites.
  • If Gutenberg is installed and activated, the callout will be shown to Contributor users and above.
  • If the Classic Editor plugin is installed and activated, the callout will be hidden for all users.

You can learn more by reading “Try Gutenberg” Callout in WordPress 4.9.8.

weekly WordPress maintenance: Maintain your WordPress in pristine condition with owl power!

This WordPress Maintenance release fixes 46 bugs, enhancements and blessed tasks, including updating the Twenty Seventeen bundled theme.


  • #44611 – try Gutenberg header wraps over text below on narrow screens
  • #44627 – minor tweaks to Try Gutenberg callout formatting

Bundled Theme

  • #44109 – TwentySeventeen backend editor: level 2 bulleted lists nested under numbered lists show numbers instead of bullets
  • #44646 – Bundled Themes: Bump version number and update changelog in Twenty Seventeen for 4.9.8 release


  • #44126 – Adding fields to comments_form args prevents checkbox displaying
  • #44141 – Privacy: Don’t replace comment author URL and email with anything
  • #44342 – Commenter cookie consent message should not be displayed if the cookie action isn’t hooked


  • #44104 – Customize: Attempt to count uncountable value


  • #41316 – Introduce “Try Gutenberg” callout
  • #44341 – Replace _deprecated_function( ‘add_filter’ ) with apply_filters_deprecated()
  • #44680 – Restrict the Try Gutenberg callout audience


  • #44339 – Emoji: Update Twemoji to 11.0

Filesystem API

  • #43054 – wp_is_stream fails with stream definition containing nonascii chars


  • #44139 – i18n: “About” disambiguation
  • #44574 – Saratov and other cities missing from translations

Login and Registration

  • #44052 – Missing parameter type for `login_header()`


  • #44532 – Extreme memory leak related to wp_is_stream in wp-includes/functions.php in WordPress 4.9.7
  • #43751 – REST API: Attachments controller should respect “Max upload file size” and “Site upload space” in multisite

Options, Meta APIs

  • #38323 – Reconsider $object_subtype handling in `register_meta()`

Posts, Post Types

  • #36085 – Add action hook to get_inline_data()


  • #44006 – Privacy Policy page should have suffix like other special pages
  • #44025 – Privacy: Pagination screen options for the requests list tables
  • #44099 – Add Request Type into Admin Email Subject for GDPR
  • #44100 – GDPR Privacy Page setting allows for Draft Pages
  • #44130 – Mixed Case of Privacy Policy on Privacy Settings page
  • #44131 – If draft page selected for Privacy Policy page should verbiage change from view to preview
  • #44181 – The input field id username_or_email_to_export should be something else on remove_personal_data page
  • #44192 – Title of Privacy Policy Page not used on login page
  • #44195 – “Silence is golden” index.html generates output
  • #44265 – Add filter for email subject for erasure complete notification
  • #44353 – Replace `site_url( ‘wp-login.php’ )` in `wp_send_user_request()`
  • #44373 – Add a privacy setting to disable comment cookie consent
  • #44379 – GDPR filters should provide either $request or $request_id
  • #44382 – Filter the subject within _wp_privacy_send_request_confirmation_notification
  • #44396 – Inconsistent use of blogname and sitename in Privacy emails
  • #44612 – Grammar – Missing ‘a’ in ‘select new Privacy Policy page’
  • #43967 – Admin emails after email confirmation don’t work for data privacy requests
  • #44590 – Remove “// WPCS:” comments


  • #40861 – REST API saves attachments with absolute path for `_wp_attached_file` on Windows platforms
  • #43874 – REST API: Only render fields specific to request when _fields= is used
  • #44321 – REST API: Expose revision count and last revision ID on Post response


  • #44287 – REST API: Declare user capability to perform actions using JSON Hyper Schema `targetSchema`


  • #42691 – WP_Term_Query get_terms generates invalid sql queries
  • #44096 – REST API: Taxonomy and term endpoints should use correct permission checks


  • #44134 – Update to TinyMCE 4.7.13
    • See the TinyMCE changelog. WordPress 4.9.6 included TinyMCE 4.7.11, WordPress 4.9.8 updated to TinyMCE 4.8.0, despite the title of this ticket.
  • #44330 – TinyMCE: do not force-load external TinyMCE plugins

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