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66 Tips for a smooth WP Maintenance

WordPress Maintenance is often referred to as a chore. Its repetitive tasks to check if something went sideways and all is ok drain any patients we still have left in us. Although, it’s extremely important to do these tasks, recurrent. After all, owning a site is a responsibility. Neglecting your site means it could get hacked, suffer from broken links, or an unplanned update breaking your contact form.

We created a few fun quizzes, to allow users to test their own WordPress Maintenance skills. All these quizzes can be 100% correctly answered without any specific WP specialization or expert qualification. This are the bare minimum of what we consider as competence! The questions are gathered into 4 complexity categories, starting from 10 basic questions and progressing throughout 10 medium, 11 advanced, and 35 expert questions. Totaling 66 specific WordPress Maintenance questions. Each question, besides the correct answer mention, has also an explanation, so you can get an idea to improve and hone your skills. We consider, that if you own a WP website you or somebody from your team should at least be at knowledge level to complete the quizzes: basic to 100%, medium to 75%, advanced to 50% and expert to 25%. Take into consideration, that this is a bias opinion as experts; but hey, we saw a fair share of hacked sites. Also, consider a WordPress Maintenance service, if you or your team fails these tests. Better now, than later.

Basic to Expert difficulty quizzes: How much do you actually know about WordPress Maintenance?

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