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How to fix any SOCIAL INSIGHTS added load time


SOCIAL MEDIA INSIGHTS are support tools for social media accounts associated with your WordPress. They track rich audience data powered by social media profiles (age, location, language); offer a preview on how your content is shared on each social platform or even shedule it for later sharing; and measure activity/campaigns, duplicating analytics data inside your own WordPress database.

We cannot be convinced, that these are must-have tools for your WordPress. Or even smart to have! If you consider loading time a decision factor, then simply DONT USE these features and enjoy the extra WordPress Speed Up.

How to fix any Social Media Insights added load time?

    Reasons not to use Social Media Insights in your WordPress:

  1. - They always lack features, compared with your actual social media profile insights. ALWAYS!
  2. - Most WP plugins worth considering are premium, costly options. Why would you pay for something less competent, when you have this for free inside your very own social media profile.
  3. - They track, target and retarget your visitors. Even on other sites. Your website is a bullet in the great advertiser's arsenal. You drag down your own website load time and everyone else also!

Very Affordable offer: Cheaper, than a new website. Cheaper, than designers + developers + system administrators hired for various optimisation tasks.

    What Should You Do?

  1. - Use the social media channels own Insight data. They have competent teams working on those statistics. You'll analyze the best reliable options there is.
  2. - Sharing preview can be achieved by any SEO or metadata plugin, even by competent themes. There is no need to add again, the same feature because the social media platform or a developer says so. This is a one-time setting, fire & forget solution.
  3. - Scheduled auto-posting with scheduled publishing often don't mix. Use a simple and cheap (even free and working flawlessly) external social media publishing tool, like owl HOOTS, to plan you publishing calendar on all social media platforms.
  4. - Duplicating analytics data is never a good decision. Yet, tracking the same action on several platforms (your main analytics, like Google Analytics or Yandex Metrica) in parallel with several social media platforms never offers a clear picture. Clutter and information overload will short-circuit any analytical decision.
  5. - Externalisation of workload to an external person or team is more easily achieved with a dedicated social media publishing tool, like owl HOOTS. Use your WordPress for blogging and your social media for transparency.

FASTER and much CHEAPER: Compared to designers + developers + system administrators hired for various WordPress performance optimisation tasks.

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