“Your life is not a countdown to your death, but a stepping stone for the lives that will live after you. Squander today, and you will find yourself useless tomorrow.”
― A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar
Countdown timers tell a story to each visitor. A simple and quick reminder, that "tempus fugit" - a Latin phrase, translated into English as "time flies". There are many words, that add a sublime hint to urgency, and there are many in your face affirmations, that it is limited and disappeared with each second. Yet, the simplest visual representation is the traditional countdown timer. Now, that one exploits urgency in visitors.
There are many solutions to create and add timers. We have chosen a simple one, that satisfied several fundamental requirements:
- Use several different (and more then one style) countdown timers.
- Friendly enough so you can put it anywhere (pages, posts, widgets, pop-ups, ads).
- Customizable to match individual branding and style.
- Fast enough to avoid speed compromises.
- Simple enough to avoid professional intervention.
ASK US ANYTHING WORDPRESS RELATED: We can offer you confidently, SEVERAL OPTIONS to choose which one suits your needs better.
Meet the solution:
- To start using it, please install and activate the Countdown Timer Ultimate plugin.
- After activation, go to Countdown Timer » Add New Timer
- Specify your Expiry Date
- Choose Animation: Smooth or Ticks
- Customize your Circle Width
- Customize your Background Width
- Customize your Countdown Width
- Pick your Background Color
- Pick your Foreground Color for Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
- Enable or Disable the counters for Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
Ideas implemented from constrained points of view (biased developers, designers, sysadmins) will NOT BENEFIT YOUR online strategies, harming your long-term competitiveness.