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AreMySitesUp – Public Status Pages for your WordPress Monitoring


Who is AreMySitesUp?
Richard Felix Jr. (Twitter) is the lead developer. Chris Coyier (Twitter) designed it. The service itself is on Twitter as well.

Why use AreMySitesUp’s Monitoring?

Easy website monitoring: Your clients and/or customers don’t care that a hamster chewed through a network cable somewhere in Northern California. They want their website up.

You need to find out before they do so you can react fast!

User experience starts with a WordPress page load.

AreMySitesUp - Uptime Checks Price

Pricing starts at $8/month. Ideal for personal sites and blogs. Set of features include 5 checks with HTTPS Support, 1 min interval, Unlimited contacts, Stats/Graphs, Error Codes, Unlimited Email Alerts, iPhone/Android App, RSS Feed (Instant Checks, Site Reports), Keyword Search

* SMS Alerts: Free and unlimited in the US, paid internationally (~$0.35 each).
* Voice Call: Calls your phone and tells you which site is down. (~$0.2 each).

AreMySitesUp monitors much more than just your uptime:

- Graphs of uptime and downtime, as well as response time.

Error Codes
- When possible, we tell you WHY your site is down by providing the error code is returned.

Multiple User Accounts
- You can add multiple users under one account, and they can see the status of all sites as well as receive notifications on their personal phone, email and mobile device.

- Sends an HTTP Post to whatever address you'd like when a site goes down or comes back online.

Keyword Search
- Monitors your page for the presence of keywords you select. If you have sites with databases, this is the plan you need.

Accurate WordPress monitoring. Industry leading feature set!

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