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One Site One eSHOP – WordPress and WooCommerce Initiative




One Site One eSHOP Initiative

Here, in the heart of our One Site One eSHOP Initiative, at the centre with WordPress and WooCommerce, you will find all you need to launch online, work and thrive. A Decade and half experience of Ecosystem Building for online websites and eshops. Accelerating digital transformations, protecting industries, and scaling local players into global markets.

Launch your online
transformation program


Focus Tracks for Optimized Growth

Working with startup sectors since forever, we design and operate websites that help local startup founders validate, launch, and scale their companies in their local markets.


Managed Incubators & Accelerators

Through our proprietary curriculum, we build and run their online programs. Helping founders find their product-market fit, and adopt high-growth scaling strategies.

Benefit from our expertise of implementing and maintaining some of the top digital transformations with long-term strategies in the online ecosystem.


Designed For Impact

Every element of the design process, sourcing strategy, startup selection, and mentorship plan, is carefully crafted with you, as partners, to achieve program outcomes.


Executed for Effectiveness

Our accelerator program design and delivery are individualy tailored and can be adapted to provide high-quality insight for local success and scalability.

How to START

The simple steps that transforms your dream into reality


Europe’s start-up ecosystem has seen a steady decline since 2020, and it grows deeper each passing month. Solopreneurs, freelancers and Entrepreneurs struggle to pivot into new opportunities. Change is happening quickly and new emerging unforeseen challenges put extra pressure.

Raising seed money, finding funding becomes an old dream, that in today's reality is simply not feasible. Europe’s start-ups are in DECLINING number, raise less money, and have a lower likelihood of success within the 1st year.

We decided to intervene. Work WITH you AND sponsor your launch. This is how you transform into a productive member in your local market. Maybe we'll inspire others. Definitely it will make a difference for our future online business and make a dent in the ugly statistics.

how we support startup growth

Understand to Launch Your ONLINE Transformation Program

How does an online business incubator work?

No two identical online business niche websites are alike, as they all have different processes. methods and approaches. While owners will typically spend ONE year in our incubator, the amount of time could vary based on our negotiation program. Other variables include the types of resources used for launch, production expenses and running expenses for the incubation period.

Minimal period for business incubator

Our online business incubator programs typically last at least a year, while there is an option to run in parallel it with specific online business accelerator programs (even multiple if deemed feasible).

The business incubator programs are focused in gaining ground for your business and expand the necessary online business experience for the owner, throughout the specific time period.

The main focus here is to find out how profitable is this business on the long run. Sometimes, when the "keep your business running" runway permits, an entrepreneur finds the needed variation to really make an impact. IF not, you have an exit-plan ready starting day one.

What for-profit ventures are accepted?

Your local government sets these rules. You should have this confirmed early in your planning stage and have your legal constraints homework done when you contact us. We want to be as helpful as possible, as we understand, that a single stork does not bring spring to any country.

If you are allowed to work in that specific business niche and employ others - then its perfectly fine with us. If you are allowed to import and resell THAT specific product(s) or concept(s) or franchise(s) - then its perfectly fine with us.

How much it costs?

After we identify what you need to start and run it for a year, we can get 3-5 external offers from vendors. The average cost will be your baseline negotiation starting point cost, extrapolated for the negotiation period. You decide where you need help: either launching you dream - either maintaining it for 1 year - or both.

The idea is to identify the cheapest variant of your online business, that your customers are willing to pay; that is still profitable for everybody involved in the next year; and stable + secure enough so your competitors don't ruin it with a few clicks.

What risks are eliminated?

1 - To launch any online business you need money for your specific site. To keep that site running for a year you also need money. At least one, if not both of these financial risks are eliminated.

2 - We completely eliminate the risk of something breaking in your site with weekly maintenance, updates and upgrades.

3 - We completely eliminate the risk external attacks; unforeseen security or compliance issues; external infrastructure or licensing annoyances.

Minimal period for business accelerator

Our online business accelerator programs typically last only several months, and are very specific. There is an option to run in parallel multiple specific online business accelerator programs when and if deemed feasible.

The business accelerator programs are focused in testing different approaches - departments for your business and expand the necessary online business experience for the owner, without risk or breaking budget, throughout the specific time period.

The main focus here is to find out if its OK to invest resources into this on the long run. Sometimes is easier - cheaper - faster to outsource specifics; sometimes is safer to hire a dependable employee.

Examples for a business accelerator program

Want to dip your toe in new methods or approaches to test if it works for your business? Nothing simpler! Consider testing risk-free for a short period of time, expanding you website or eshop with an additional module. Multiple extra modules are accepted, if feasibility is proven. We know, that startup founder like to really really get involved, but you cannot work, plan, manage and take care of your customers on the long run non-stop.

Simple examples: accepting - pre-vetting CV's directly on your site; having an in-house GDPR compliant 3rd party platform; running your own marketing - affiliate - blogging - seo department; sending your own newsletters - couriers; test-drive a new plugin - theme; etc.

Complex examples: testing different variations for your products/services or 3rd party platforms (even in parallel); comparing and targeting specific markets where your niche activates; identifying and nurturing partner relations; etc.


Choose your business model strategy

from the start to focus your energy on your successful online business:

Affiliate Marketing

Promote existing online products/services to receive commission for each sale you make with this income idea. Blogging, directory listings, podcasting, influencer marketing is your path.


Provide a service to other individuals or businesses using a skill that you have. You excel in YOUR domain, and you bring your years of experience with in-depth expertise.


Become a guide, coach or a consultant and sell your expertise, advice, and guidance. Bring your community online and guide them to their fame and success.

Information Products

Package and sell your expertise in ebooks, videos, worksheets, templates, and online courses. Bring extra value to an already existing niche for a local market.

Software as a Service

Resell an existing piece of software or application, and charge users a recurring subscription fee. Tailor this to your local market, to a specific niche for success.


Choose a WooCommerce eshop and sell products online. Figure out shipping, stock, storage, returns, online billing and invoicing before you start dreaming.

Define these starting points for your business

keep it simple, short, with actionable instructions to help you succeed:

Define Your Target Market

Who are you going to invoice? This is absolutely vital. Marketer Philip Kotler said: "There is only one winning strategy. It is to carefully define the target market and direct a superior offering to that target market."

Understand Your Target Market

Master the problems, desires, style and language of your future customers. As a result, it will get easier to gain traction with your online business. Your marketing and communication will be more successful with them.

Focus on a Problem to Solve

Plumbers fix leaking pipes. Hobbies cater people's boredom, curiosity, interest, and the need to escape and relax. Fashion and beauty helps people express themselves, feel attractive. The bigger the problem you solve – and the better OR faster OR cheaper you solve it – the more customers you'll get.

Know your online Competition

Identifying your competitors early helps you stay anchored in reality. Learn from others: WHAT’s and HOW’s working in your niche, identify successful tactics and trends. Understand and anticipate shifts in your market. It helps define your messaging, positioning for your business strategy.