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SuperMonitoring – Public Status Pages for your WordPress Monitoring


Who is SuperMonitoring?
SuperMonitoring have been providing professional web services to international customers since 1998 and since 2007 we've been specialized in website and web application monitoring.

Why use SuperMonitoring’s Website Monitoring?

  • You will minimize your losses during an advertising campaign.
  • You will be aware of the issue and able to react before your users notice anything.
  • You will be able to create subaccounts for your employees and subcontractors.
  • You will have influence over what features we implement and in what order.

User experience starts with a WordPress page load.

SuperMonitoring - Uptime Checks Price

Pricing starts at 4,99 €/month. Ideal only for freelancers, small blogs, landing pages. Set of features include: 1 Check, 15/month SMS Credits Included, 1 Minute Testing Frequency, Instant E-mail & SMS Alerts, Monthly, Weekly & Custom Reports, Unlimited Alert Recipients, Unlimited Data Retention, Integrations & Plugins.

SuperMonitoring monitors much more than just your uptime:

Unavailability Detection
- Your website or shop may not be available for a variety of reasons. We will detect any failure and let you know about its nature.

Performance Check
- If the response time of your server suddenly gets longer, you will be informed about it. You will also know the average response times for a selected period of time.

Page Loading Time Measuring
- We will alert you if the speed of your website suddenly drops. We will also show you its average loading times for a selected period of time.

Accurate WordPress monitoring. Industry leading feature set!

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