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WP Speed Up

WordPress performance monitoring

It was Peter Drucker who said, “What gets measured gets improved.” If you do a simple search after “What gets measured gets …”, you’ll notice a lot of positive, focused and goal-oriented thinking. It is because this is how things are done. You start things, then you constantly improve. So…

How to fix any SOCIAL PROOF added load time

SOCIAL PROOF features are meant to enhance the lure to accept something, as a psychology trick. When you see, that one (or more) of your friends already liked the page, you’re visiting, you are more likely to do the same thing. This is valid for purchases also, and it acts…

[updated] 63 tips on HOW TO FIX any SOCIAL MEDIA added load time

Social Media is present everywhere. Online and offline. Lately, I’ve seen ads with like boxes. Yeah, the most hated things join hands with social media. So, your WordPress is definitely not an exception to social media enhancements. We even bet, you have several features, provided by Social Media. However, those…

How to fix any SOCIAL COMMENTS added load time

SOCIAL MEDIA COMMENTS are feature-switch options for your WordPress, meant to replace the default WP comment system with an external platform provided comments system. Mostly Facebook or Google Plus as an example; however, it exists a few more dedicated systems, like: IntenseDebate,, Disqus or Epoch from Postmatic. All these…

How to fix any SOCIAL LOGIN added load time

SOCIAL MEDIA LOGIN are extra features for your WordPress, an authentification process done by a social media platform to allow WP Users login associated with your WordPress. This is a hot potato subject. While its advantages to just login with a single click (even on account creation); accessing visitors own…