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Security – How to WordPress?

What could go wrong SECURITY wise?
Security wise, this gets ugly fast and it’s painful. When your security is breached you lose immediately what you had. You lose files, data, sensitive and internal information. From the public view, your reputation gets a hit, your natural ranking is penalized, your customers start to consider your competition. Your invested effort is gone, transformed into something that hurts you more and more.

The old solution – hiring security experts for closing the entry point – is now considered dangerous and ineffective. So, how do you protect your website?

The answer is in the preventative solutions. It is cheaper to prevent a disaster, rather than just solve it. You notice a security breach if you actively search for it, so first of all, you are informed, before others can even tell. You keep your reputation, rankings, and customer unharmed. Second, your know exactly what happened, rather than auditing what went wrong and hoping you connected all the dots. Detecting an undergoing breach you can reduce the harmful impact to a minimum, considering the alternative.


How to ensure your WordPress website’s success?
If you are a business owner, feeling proud and holding on to the success of your WordPress website after it’s launched can be a challenge. You invested a ton on money, time and effort creating a beautiful online image for your customers. You hired experts to code your new website, marketing specialist to write your new attractive content, SEO experts to polish the focus to the maximum. They all did a good job – they created a product. That product is your website, attracting customers, creating the opportunity for non-stop open business to sell your REAL money magnet.

This is the point where most business owners don’t understand the main reason for being online. You put all this effort to be online, so you want to be there as much as possible. Preferably honing and refining your business as days and months and years go by. All the hired experts focus on the product they were hired to deliver: WordPress theme, catchy titles, and content, attention grabbing CTA’s and keyword density. They are not interested preserving what is already done, because, that is not their business focus. It’s yours as a business owner!

A great new beginning
Doing chores may be inevitable, but somebody has to do them. Regular care ensures, that the effort sunk into the online segment will not deteriorate or lose its value. If the above tasks seem too complex, too technical, too time-consuming or add a significant extra monthly cost, then consider outsourcing. The owl WordPress Services team from owl power focuses on these foundations. We’ll cover your WordPress Security needs, your recurrent WordPress Maintenance tasks, your sensitive daily WordPress Backups and your live WordPress Monitoring checks. All this for a fraction of what would be the cost outsourcing this to external vendors. Let’s not mention the saved time using the same single point of contact for all of your WordPress needs. They’re working with the biggest names from several industries and their unique qualification is to reduce your costs, enhance your online presence and save your time & reputation. It’s time to experience owlsomeness right now!

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