New Release: owl WPS 3.5.5 for recurrent WordPress Services
We are very excited to announce our new owl WPS 3.5.5 plugin release for recurrent WP Services:
owl WPS - recurrent WordPress Services plugin 3.5.5 changelog: 7 bug fixes + 2 feature updates + 1 new feature addition. We think you're going to be very pleased with the latest developments.
On March 6, 2019, we released a new version of our owl WPS recurrent WP Services plugin. Check out this real example:
VERY AFFORDABLE FOR ALL THAT IT OFFERS! CHEAPER and FASTER, than designers + developers + sysadmins hired for specific WordPress tasks.
owl WPS 3.5.5 - recurrent WordPress Services plugin - BUG FIXES:
In our unending strive, to solve more issues, we fixed a few known corner cases from our customer's 3rd party integrations.
- - Fixed #1: Solved an issue with inconsistent controlling of branding options for specific user roles, created as custom profiles. We know, that a well maintained public image is important for everybody, especially customers, partners and employees.
- - Fixed #2: Solved an issue with inconsistent display of branding for 3rd party custom administrative panels.
- - Fixed #3: Several issues and multiple PHP Warnings.
- - Fixed #4: Several grammar corrections related to typos.
- - Fixed #5: Eliminated several UpdraftPlus Extension performance issues. We know, that our WordPress Speed Up and recurrent WordPress Services have a vital role in daily usage for our customers.
- - Fixed #6: Eliminated an issue with creating double media files when editing posts and pages from owl WPS Dashboard. We know, that our recurrent WP Services is one of the main priorities for our customers requiring managed solutions.
- - Fixed #7: Eliminated an issue with creating duplicate posts and pages with owl WPS Dashboard. This will better serve specific customers requiring managed solutions.
owl WPS 3.5.5 - recurrent WordPress Services plugin - FEATURE UPDATE:
As our customer base grows, so it expands the urgent need to solve urgent problems. As we embrace the chance to learn every day something new, we adapted our existing features to meet new challenges.
- - Feature update #1: Eliminated unused code from several modules. This improves performance and raises security standards.
- - Feature update #2: Added new improvements for detecting premium plugin and theme updates for specific setups. This is a major step, to deliver managed services without generating performance issues and have a more reliable recurrent service.
owl WPS 3.5.5 - recurrent WP Services plugin - NEW FEATURE ADDITION:
As our managed services range expands, it expands the pressing need to provide additional automated services. As we embrace the constant struggle to provide perfection with each task, we added new automated features to eliminate manual intervention to meet standardized excellence.
- - New Feature #1: Implemented proper attribution to plugin/theme code used for WordPress. We know, that our WordPress Security and recurrent WP Services have a vital role in daily usage for our customers.
CHEAPER & FASTER: Compared to designers + developers + sysadmins hired for specific WordPress tasks.