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owl MIN – accurate, reliable monitoring


We are very excited to announce our latest addition to the owl SUITE:

owl MIN – Monitoring Infrastructures Naturally
– By far, it is the BEST, SIMPLEST & EASY Monitoring solution. Built without limitations and to be hosted by you, in your own privacy.

We think you’re going to be very pleased with the new features:


owl MIN accurate, reliable monitoring highlights:
easy to set up – It’s so simple to set up our monitoring solution, that your secretary could do it. You just copy your domain, your sub-domain or your URL and paste it to the single field dedicated to monitoring. Add user(s) to be notified, so they can intervene when something bad is happening. Click start owl MIN. Three easy steps. Oh, and the setup page is not hidden, not accessible only by an obscure icon, its right there.

Accurate monitoring – This term created a bit of a headache for our team. When individuals were asked, what accurate means, in terms of monitoring, Pandora’s box got opened. Notions from specific things (mostly technical), up to the point of ideology were circulated, discussed, heavily defended or aggressively besieged. From all these wonderful time/coffee consuming meetings, we created our own ideology. Accurate monitoring, from owl MIN’s perspective, means:
– you can set up specific intervals for specific things. There is no single variable to monitor everything at that interval. This means, that you can check your main domain every minute, your landing page every hour, your contact page every day.
– you can set up specific individuals to be alerted, per monitored item. As many as you want. This means, that it helps to notify your marketing department, that your site is offline. Not because they can help with technicalities to bring it back online, but because, they can pause expensive CPC campaigns and other advertisements. It helps to notify your support team, that your site is offline, so they don’t get this news from your customers.

Reliable monitoring – Another term, that created a bit of a headache for our team. Wildly discussed, and built from the ground up, then from top to bottom, so it can fit everybody and be accepted by everybody. From all these wonderful time/coffee consuming brainstormings, we created our own ideology. Reliable monitoring, from owl MIN’s perspective, means:
– if Google can notice that specific outage, then you are affected by an outage (not having one directly, but enjoying the indirect negative benefits of one sudden outage). It can be something localized, totally outside your notice, like your site is unreachable from a specific geographical area. While this should not concern you, (as this is a false positive), it is still an information worth having (a kinda big thing that your site is unreachable from a country, or an entire continent). Also, it is a perfect time for a real drill to execute the internal procedure with new employees (under a strict supervision of course!).
– if you are informed in the same minute, when the system has noticed the downtime, then it’s perfectly optimal. We noticed, that in the long run, several approaches are not even trustworthy. Sending an email/SMS is one thing, making sure, that you receive it immediately is another. This is why we integrated with Google’s GSuite, to sit on the backbones of the internet for monitoring, and offering you the possibility to receive the outage notification almost instantly.

DOMAIN MONITORING – Get for your domain a simple uptime monitoring, accurate downtime tracking & reliable outage notifications. This is the starting point of a reliable monitoring. Notice as fast as possible, when your domain(s) do not serve your visitors. This mostly means, that your hosting server is acting up. While somebody needs to figure it out fast if its a connectivity, or a hardware or software related issue, or an external culprit or an internal hickup – everybody from your team or external collaborator(s) should be aware of this information. Maybe even your partners…not like it costs extra or something.

SUB-DOMAIN MONITORING – It is a VITAL NEED to get for your Sub-domain(s) a simple uptime monitoring, accurate downtime tracking & reliable outage notifications. This is the foundation of an accurate monitoring. Notice as fast as possible, when your sub-domain(s) do not serve your visitors. They were created to serve specific business needs, and when they are down, your company immediately starts losing money.

SPECIFIC URL MONITORING – Landing & business critical pages are the core of ANY business. Make sure they are online at all times! It is IMPERATIVE to get these pages into a cycle of longer frequency, but still set up with the same standard approach: have a simple uptime monitoring, accurate downtime tracking & reliable outage notifications.

SPECIFIC PORT MONITORING – For the technically savvy users: monitor specific ports and make sure nothing goes unnoticeably offline. You know exactly what these are, and why it is your job to make sure they are working for everybody. :)

The best solution for expert unique needs, large teams
OR simple novice users, single websites.
