WP Security bulletin – NOVEMBER 2018 At your next scheduled WordPress Maintenance, be advised for your WP Security about the latest 12 vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins identified and reported publicly. As these vulnerabilities are disclosed, when you use one (or more) of these outdated plugins – your risking serious WordPress…
WordPress 5.0.2 Maintenance Release WordPress 5.0.2 is now available, since Wednesday night, December 19, 2018. This is a maintenance release that addresses 73 bugs. We strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. The primary focus of this release was performance improvements in the block editor: the cumulated performance gains…
Happy New Year and a fantastic 2019 for your WordPress Services As the NEW YEAR just started, we’d like to take this moment to say thank you and send our best wishes to you, your family and your business! We wish you Happy New Year and a fantastic 2019 for…
We are very excited to share with you more information on our new owl WPS 3.5.3 – WP Services plugin release: owl WPS – WordPress Services plugin 3.5.3 changelog: 7 bug fixes + 3 feature update + 1 new feature addition. We think you’re going to be very pleased with…
Happy owlidays for all WordPress owners! May the closeness of friends, the comfort of home, and the unity of your family, renew your spirits this festive season. May this festive season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all…
HO! HO! HOpe You’re Up For The HOlidays! WP Services can prevent disasters. “We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.” — Rabbi Shemuel ben Nachmani This does not suggest that bad things will OR won’t happen to you; it merely means that…
WordPress 5.0.1 Security Release WordPress 5.0.1 is now available, since Wednesday night, December 12, 2018. This is a security release for all versions since WordPress 3.7. We strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. This WordPress Security release fixes 7 vulnerabilities. WordPress versions 5.0 and earlier are affected by…
Welcome to WordPress 5.0, aka ‘Bebo’ WordPress has actually released variation 5.0 of its platform this December. The current upgrade is among the biggest in years, including a new block-based editor that provides a “structured modifying experience.” In the new ‘Bebo’ version of WordPress, which is named after Cuban…
We are very excited to share with you more information on our new owl WPS 3.5.2 – WP Services plugin release: owl WPS – WordPress Services plugin 3.5.2 changelog: 3 bug fixes + 1 feature update. We think you’re going to be very pleased with the latest developments. On…