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WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 centralised abuse highlights


WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 Centralised Abuse Highlights


Attack vectors reported by the WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 Security AUDIT seems to be focused on niche business areas, eshop targeting and personal or private data exfiltration. Highly targeted campaign against frameworks to reach multiple tartgets, eshops, WooCommerce, payment processing and security plugins. Be informed about the WP SECURITY JAN 2022 centralised abuse highlights. As these specific hacking points and vulnerabilities have a severe negative impact on WordPress Security, consider our FREE security consulting.


WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 centralised abuse highlights reported significant increases on all segments, compared to previous report, which was already pretty bad.

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy! A healthier online business starts today and it begins with you. Hire security experts to solve all your vulnerabilities created from WP Vulnerability JAN 2022.

CSRF – Cross-Site Request Forgery 2022

  • WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 – It is a 16% increase compared to December 2021. An estimated 533.000+ active WordPress installations were susceptible to CSRF attack types.

XSS – Cross-Site Scripting 2022

  • WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 – It is a 28% increase compared to December 2021. An estimated 12.870.000+ active WordPress installations were susceptible to XSS attack types.

SQL Injections 2022

  • WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 – It is a 6% increase compared to December 2021. An estimated 5.523.000+ active WordPress installations were susceptible to SQL injection attack types.

Unrestricted Access Issues 2022

  • WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 – It is a 4% increase compared to December 2021. An estimated 6.044.000+ active WordPress installations were susceptible to security circumvention attack types.

Pharma Hacks 2022

  • WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 – It is a -25% decrease compared to December 2021. An estimated 7.713.000+ active WordPress installations were susceptible to pharma hack attack types.

Sensitive Data Disclosures 2022

  • WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 – It is a 36% increase compared to December 2021. An estimated 2.255.000+ active WordPress installations were susceptible to data exfiltration attack types.

WP Core Vulnerability 2022

  • NO WP Core Vulnerabilities reported in January 2022.

WP themes vulnerability 2022

  • NO WP Theme vulnerabilities reported in January 2022.

Blacklisted/CLOSED WP PLUGINS 2022

  • WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 – 17 Blacklisted/CLOSED WP PLUGINS reported in January 2022. It is a -15% decrease compared to December 2021.

Protect your WordPress from publicly reported cases of WP Vulnerability JAN 2022 BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! You will also protect your customers, your reputation and your online business!

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy! A healthier online business starts today and it begins with you. Hire security experts to solve all your vulnerabilities created from WP Vulnerability JAN 2022.

Not sure that our recurrent security offer is worthy of long-term consideration? Contact us today for a FREE WordPress Security consulting! Decide after you compare RISK + IMPACT versus COST.

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