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Announcement: WordPress 5.0.3 Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.0.3 Maintenance Release


WordPress 5.0.3 is now available, since Wednesday night, January 9, 2019. This is a maintenance release that addresses 37 bug fixes and 7 performance updates. We strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. The focus of this release was fine-tuning the new block editor and fixing any major bugs or regressions.

Here are a few of the additional highlights:

  • - 15 block editor related bug fixes and improvements have been added to bundled themes. Make sure to update these for an improved block editing experience.
  • - 2 block editor related internationalization (I18N) bugs have been fixed
  • - Users with JavaScript disabled now see a notice when attempting to use the block editor.
  • - A few PHP errors in the Customizer have been fixed.
  • - Some issues uploading common file types, like CSVs, have been fixed.

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WordPress 5.0.3: Bundled Theme (15)

Ticket Summary Type Version Severity
#44664 Twenty Fourteen: Video play icon alignment defect (bug) 4.9 normal
#44883 Twenty Seventeen: Use simple counter rather than uniqid() for generating unique IDs for HTML elements enhancement 4.7 normal
#45426 Twenty Seventeen: Missing colours from blocks.css for editor colour palette defect (bug) 5.0 normal
#45510 Twenty Nineteen: Link are triggered on touchstart instead of touchend defect (bug) 5.0 normal
#45541 Bundled Themes: Button blocks not respecting settings defect (bug) 5.0 normal
#45679 Bundled Themes: Bump script and style version numbers defect (bug) normal
#45689 Twenty Nineteen: Incorrect opacity and text shadow on submenus when there's a featured image. defect (bug) normal
#45693 Twenty Nineteen: Update theme description and tags defect (bug) 5.0.1 normal
#45713 Twenty Nineteen: Improve menu semantics and keyboard navigation. defect (bug) 5.0.1 normal
#45715 Twenty Nineteen: Remove underline from the arrow that follows "Continue reading" links defect (bug) 5.0.1 normal
#45716 Twenty Nineteen: Push right-aligned images outside of the text column on the front end defect (bug) 5.0.1 normal
#45726 Twenty Nineteen: By default, the hover on outlined buttons is white text on a white background defect (bug) 5.0.2 normal
#45732 Twenty Fourteen Button block link displayed with underscore defect (bug) trunk normal
#45792 Bundled Themes: Bump version numbers and update changelogs for 5.0.3 release task (blessed) normal
#45794 px/rem order reversed in Twenty Twelve blocks.css defect (bug) 5.0.2 minor

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Do you have any feedback about this WordPress 5.0.3 update? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!