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UpiCRM – WordPress Lead Management & Affiliates management (sponsored)

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Discover managed UpiCRM

-50% summer sale, valid till August 5

UpiCRM CRM Offer contains: CRM licenses; migration from your current CRM or brand new setup tailored to your needs; hosting for an entire year; dedicated firewall for enhanced security; weekly maintenance for updates and upgrades; daily backups; non-stop monitoring. Sponsored by ultrai.ae’s privately managed CRM services. Order here.



Discover UpiCRM

WordPress Lead Management & Affiliates management

Need a WordPress Lead Management solution? UpiCRM is the best solution ever. UpiCRM – Any contact form DB, all leads, Social Networks leads, Google sheets, in one place and more. UpiCRM works with all the popular WordPress contact forms plugins, and can collect and aggregate leads from all sources: Contact forms, Excel, Facebook leads, Google Sheets, Web service, and other UpiCRM installations.

UpiCRM imports all existing leads, contact, registrations etc from your website, and creates a single place where you can easily manage your leads in the most advanced manner, including automated smart email to your team, affiliates and partners, external web services, excel, and more.


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