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features of WordPress Maintenance

Secure. Fast. Easy.
Tailored WordPress Maintenance
WordPress Maintenance makes business subsistence a whole lot easier
WHAT’S INCLUDED in WordPress Maintenance?

Everything you need for your WordPress!

11 years of owlsome experience solving WP Maintenance challenges for our customers.
02. Managed WP
Experts will take care daily of your WordPress, so you can focus on your business.
Recurrent tasks of DB & broken links optimize; trash, spam, logs and referral cleaning, etc.
04. Core Updates
Technical capability to upgrade, reinstall or downgrade the WordPress Core files.
05. Core reports
Technical capability to log and report the WordPress Core modifications.
06. Plugin Updates
Technical capability to upgrade or reinstall WordPress plugin(s).
07. Plugin reports
Technical capability to log and report the plugin(s) modifications.
08. Theme Updates
Technical capability to upgrade or reinstall WordPress theme(s).
09. Theme reports
Technical capability to log and report the theme(s) modifications.
10. Translation updates
Technical capability to upgrade WP Core, plugin or theme translation(s).
11. Translation reports
Technical capability to log and report the translation(s) modifications.
12. abandoned plugins
Technical capability to check plugin(s) last release if possibly abandoned.
13. abandoned themes
Technical capability to check theme(s) last release if possibly abandoned.
14. Clear Cache
Technical capability to clear cache on-demand and automatically after modification(s).
15. Preload Cache
Technical capability to preload cache on-demand and automatically after modification(s).

WHO needs tailored WP Maintenance? EVERYBODY!

Today's reality requires daily clean-ups with database optimisations, weekly updates and upgrades for both free & premium modules, plus the occasional emergency changes when critical vulnerabilities are publicly disclosed without patches.
16. HTTP response
Check after each update & alert if header HTTP status is unexpected or something went wrong.
17. security issues
Check before and/or after each update & alert if security issues are detected.
18. downtime issues
Check after each update and alert if downtime outage issues are detected.
19. Broken Links
Technical capability to check after each update and alert if broken links are detected.
20. post revisions
Technical capability to delete all post revisions except for the last one.
21. auto draft(s)
Technical capability to identify and delete all WordPress auto draft post(s).
22. trash posts
Technical capability to identify and delete all WordPress trash post(s) or empty bin.
23. spam comments
Technical capability to identify and delete all WordPress spam comment(s) or empty bin.
24. pending comments
Technical capability to identify and manage (approve, delete, spam, bin) pending comments.
25. trash comments
Technical capability to identify and delete all WordPress trash comment(s) or empty bin.
26. Empty tags
Technical capability to identify and delete all tags(s) with 0 posts associated.
27. Empty categories
Technical capability to identify and delete all categories with 0 posts associated.
28. Optimize DB
Optimize entire database or just a few tables before and/or after each update.
Technical capability to run CRON jobs with specific maintenance task(s) on a daily basis.
Check before and/or after each update & alert if known vulnerability issues are reported.

Updated and Upgraded weekly

for an effective tailored WP Maintenance posture. That’s 52 more in a year compared to what you have today! This is how we become your long-term partner!
31. Connection test
Technical capability for quick diagnosing general WP URL(s), IP, SSL and HTTP-code responses.
32. Reconnection
Technical capability to gain back admin access in case of an unwanted hostile takeover.
33. Site Info
Technical capability to display hosting info: PHP and MySQL version; Memory Limit; IP; etc.
34. Security ID
Technical capability of an extra security layer (above credentials) to control WP sites.
35. Force IPv4
Technical capability of an extra security layer (network level) to control WP sites.
36. Safety backups
Identify before any major update(s) if a fresh backup exists and/or create one immediately.
37. Import sites
Technical capability to connect a large number (hundreds) of WP sites for fast onboarding.
38. Search Posts
Keyword search in the title and/or body of post types on multiple sites, within date ranges.
39. Search Pages
Keyword search in the title and/or body of page types on multiple sites, within date ranges.
40. Manage Posts
Technical capability to manage all post types on multiple sites.
41. Manage pages
Technical capability to manage all page types on multiple sites.
42. Manage Themes
Technical capability to manage individual and/or similar themes on multiple sites.
43. Manage plugins
Technical capability to manage individual and/or similar plugins on multiple sites.
44. Manage users
Technical capability to manage individual and/or similar users on multiple sites.
45. Import users
Technical capability to connect a large number (hundreds) of user types for fast onboarding.

Maintenance is not a single-task job

Need tailored WP Maintenance and got no clue where to start? Hire an expert. Pay a coffee per week or figure it out yourself.
46. Admin pw change
Technical capability to mass update administrator passwords on multiple sites.
47. Settings Sync
Technical capability to mass update specific plugin with same settings on multiple sites.
48. Max requests
Technical capability to increase/decrease simultaneous requests per hosting cloud.
49. request delay
Technical capability to increase/decrease delay between requests per hosting server.
50. Max IP
Technical capability to increase/decrease simultaneous requests per hosting IP.
51. IP delay
Technical capability to increase/decrease delay between requests to the same IP.
52. Max Sync
Technical capability to increase/decrease simultaneous sync requests per WP.
53. Sync delay
Technical capability to increase/decrease delay between sync requests to the same WP.
54. SSL check
Technical capability to verify SSL certificate and alert if issues are detected.
55. Misconfigurations
Technical capability to identify known misconfigurations and solve when detected.
56. Emergency tasks
Technical capability to initiate emergency security changes on multiple sites when needed.
57. Clone
Technical capability to clone a specific WP site for temporary testing needs.
58. Audit WP
Technical capability to identify known ISP host misconfigurations and dependencies.
59. Audit PHP
Technical capability to identify known PHP misconfigurations and dependencies.
60. Audit MySQL
Technical capability to identify known MySQL misconfigurations and dependencies.

One Vulnerability Audit per week included

That’s 52 more in a year compared to what you have today! This is how we become your long-term partner!
61. Audit server
Technical capability to identify known machine misconfigurations and dependencies.
62. Audit Crons
Technical capability to identify CRON jobs issues and misconfigurations.
63. Audit logs
Technical capability to identify error log types from WP, cPanel, WHM, Plesk, etc.
64. Audit config
Technical capability to identify common WP config file misconfigurations.
65. WP Staging
Manage and/or test any changes in staging before implementing changes to the primary WP.
Technical capability to manage WP-Optimize related settings and WP Speed Up tasks.
67. Smart Cleanup Tools
Ability to manage Smart Cleanup Tools related settings and WP Speed Up tasks.
We're already working on our next big feature. Stay tuned or request a quick preview.

Zero Trust Maintenance:

Delivers antivirus scanned latest versions updates to your WordPress. Our single-pass changes happen inside your WordPress, within minutes, so Maintenance never comes with a scheduled downtime tradeoff. Automatic reporting creates trust and transparency for owners, with detailed changes sent weekly via emailed pdf.
