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9 Reasons to have password protected STATUS PAGES

9 Reasons to have password protected STATUS PAGES


What are public status pages?

A status page is a specific website monitoring dashboard developed to openly display the status of a website, web service, or server being kept track of. Being public means, that anybody can access that specific page. Think of it like a bat-signal for your monitored resource — an available “assistance is coming” symbol visible to the general public. Many public status pages are utilized for a variety of things, consisting of: interacting with clients, sharing uptime information, and constructing public trust.

What is a password protected status page?

It is the same status page as before, still accessible publicly, yet its contents are password protected. A secured status page suggests that a password is needed to gain access to that page. When an individual outside your organization uses that access link, they will only see the password prompt on the status page. Without the password, the protected content cannot be viewed. They will not see any other dashboard information. Given that the status page is protected, it will stay entirely undetectable to changes for the outside world.


Why you need password protected STATUS PAGES?

1 – Limit “expired interactions”
Employees come and go, as naturally and freely as you or they feel the need. Nothing wrong with any of these cases. However, not restricting ALL and ANY access from a former employee (or freelancer) is a very bad decision (or bureaucratic slip). Having a password protecting your status page offers you the power to simply change the password, when situations arise, keeping the status page as confidential as you wish.

2 – External Sharing
Imagine a specific need, when an external company is involved to help you out. That team, even being a 3rd party, for the time being, needs access to your status page. This is a common case for migrations, hosting environment changes or upgrades, additional module expansions, etc. For these cases, a public status page might be too revealing in these sensitive moments. Having an internal status page would give the external team unnecessary access within your protected network. Hence the perfect match for shared vital information outside your organisation, yet still protected. When the job is done, a simple password reset solves all access viewability.

3 – Trust Structure
Controlled communication and the easy sharing of information are the two primary uses of external communication, however, it is necessary to discuss what they combine to do: the need to know basis. The term “need to know”, describes the restriction of data which is considered sensitive. By publicly choosing who needs to know some vital information, offers you and that person power over its responsibility. The fewer people are involved, the more chances that it’s not ignored. You’re making a powerful statement – you’re positive in your employees capacity to solve any upcoming problems.

4 – Cut assistance expenses
Whether it’s a server problem, a bug in production, or DDoS attack, the basic fact is that downtime happens. Any password shielded STATUS PAGES have a way to inform key people in real-time of the unfolding events, exactly as they evolve. A protected status page might even prevent a flood of unwanted/unnecessary questions from top management or department heads, disturbing key people to focus on fixing the problem at hand.

5 – Build client trust
Customers need transparency. Enable them, occasionally or when needed, to access a real-time incident notices. Trust us, they’ll thank you, eliminating frustrations and unreal expectations. A password protected STATUS PAGES shares with current customers vital information, yet protects from future customers to showcase an unfavourable event.

6 – Display dependability
Downtime interaction is just part of the story when it concerns status pages. Protect yourself from publicly informing to prospective clients the impact and scale of these unwanted happenings. Its a show of power to acknowledge publicly a mistake; but its an act of magic to diminish the impact and de-escalate panicky wild thoughts.

7 – DevOps Teams
When servers are on fire, your team needs to be focused on repairing the issue at hand – not reacting to an email ping-pong. With a password secured STATUS PAGES publicly shared with the involved problem solvers, time is cut significantly. All your Development and Operations teams can interact effectively and efficiently, giving them control to share any extra information required to deal with incidents.

8 – Support Teams
Downtime doesn’t have to be a support headache. Not all consumers are equal. Point VIP customers to your secret phrase protected STATUS PAGES to reduce the unwanted escalations. There is no need from their end in escalating further when this case was already approached exactly as procedures dictated.

A password protected STATUS PAGES isn’t just for your clients, it’s for your employees too! Numerous businesses are embracing remote work. We’re changing to an open business environment, one company at a time. This is a huge help for remote workers since there are scattered outside an internal network. Having access to vital information, especially when needed is the first step of understanding what HAS already happened.


The best solution for expert unique needs, large teams
OR simple novice users, single websites.

Do you have any other reasons for password protected STATUS PAGES? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
