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ROI optimization

Find out how to gather important insights to track your ROI. This tutorial is part of the owl URL – features for your social media and WordPress.

What is more important than ROI? The ROI optimization! Face it: effective marketing often costs a lot of money!

What is ROI?
ROI is short for Return on investment. A high ROI means the investment gains compare favorably to investment cost. As a performance measure, ROI is used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments.

What is ROI optimization?
ROI optimization is a process that gathers information. That information is used to gain better decisions. Those decisions, then directly affect the ROI. The return on investment compounds with the customer insight you gain.

How to optimize your ROI?
Always double check your spending. Never trust reporting to those, who spend your money. Use any other method, that can track the spending and the gains of the budget you burn.

Gather your own statistics: No need to blindly trust any report. You can generate your own data now!

What can you track with owl URL?
You can track the specifics detailed below. Please understand, that the more granulated you keep your own statistics, the better. This means, that is better to create several short URL for the same long URL, just to clarify the results better and to avoid data collisions, where 2 sources send clicks to the same URL. You can find these analytics data in your account, Dashboard, for each short URL under the CLICKS button:

General analytics
Track for each short URL the number of clicks and the number of unique clicks for the lifetime of your short URL.

Calendar analytics
Gain insights based on calendar. View click statistics granulated on a DAILY / MONTHLY / YEARLY graph for each short URL. Graph height will adjust data compared to maximum clicks, so you clearly understand the average.

Top Countries
Gain insights based on country. View click statistics granulated on a graph per country for each short URL. Graph contains zoomable world map and an ordered table with top ten country sources from all clicks.

Referrers analytics
Gain insights based on referrers. View click statistics received from each source for each short URL. Table will contain source identifications like domain URL, direct, email or other.

Social Shares analytics
Gain insights based on Social Media. View click statistics granulated per Social Media channel for each short URL. Pie chart will contain percentage from all social media clicks compared between each social media channel.

Simple statistics for experiments: Information collected in a standardised way, straightforward to analyse!

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