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Instant short URL

Find out how to create fast a short URL for any visited pages from your bookmarks. This tutorial is part of the owl URL – features for your social media and WordPress.

One click for a short URL: The fastest way to shorten a long URL at your fingertips!

Why you need this?
Convenience and time mostly. Maybe you’re as lazy as we are. Maybe you do ten things is parallel – teach us senpai! Jokes aside, this feature is for those moments, when you’re browsing the internet, have tens of tabs open and then suddenly, you need the current tab’s link. Maybe you want to share it on social media, maybe you’re doing research for your next blog post, maybe you’re snooping around for a competitive analysis. Any reason is a good reason to shorten a URL and add it to your dashboard collection!

Now, with owl URL, you can do it with one click! Use our bookmarklet for your convenience. You can add this features to your browser’s bookmarks and when you click on it, and it creates a short URL and saves it to your dashboard. You must be logged in your owl URL account for this feature to work. When a short URL is created, it will be saved to your dashboard for future access. Simply drag our BOOKMARKLET button to your bookmarks bar or copy the link and manually add it to your favorites.

Shorten URLs directly from bookmarks: Convenient, one-click short URL creation at your fingertips!

You can find this feature in your owl URL account, under Settings > Tools:

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