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Find out how to redirect visitors from the same short URL to different landing pages to overcome the language barrier and boost sales. This tutorial is part of the owl URL – features for your online marketing and WordPress.

Targeting feature for a marketing ninja: With our owl URL application, you can target your visitors with a single URL!

What is geo-targeting?
Geo-targeting in internet marketing is the method of determining the geolocation of your visitor and delivering customized content to that visitor. Geo-targeting as a technology is based on freely available information received from your visitor, like country, region/state, city, zip code, organization, company, IP address, ISP or other criteria.

Why you need geo-targeting?
Geo-targeting for your internet marketing effort is a must-have. It is vital for anyone who is doing business on the international segment. Check out below the real-life scenarios where we propose our solution.

Overcome the language barrier
To promote something online you need a simple landing page. If that landing page is visited from two countries, then, it would lack the ability to address both customers in their native language. With our owl URL application, you can create a single short link that redirects visitors to several custom landing pages, where you can accommodate their language needs. This means, for example, that a customer from Greece would be redirected to a greek landing page and a Spanish visitor, clicking on the same link would be redirected to a Spanish landing page. Both landing pages were created especially for their own kind of visitors and accessed via the same link. Owlsome, right?

Effectively communicate with anyone: Redirect international visitors to landing pages in their native language!

This is how geo-targeting looks like to overcome the language barrier with custom landing pages:

Customized content for different visitors
To promote something online you need a simple landing page. If that landing page is visited from two countries, then, it would lack the ability to address both customers with the best marketing hook. Lets presume, that for one visitor quality is the final decision maker and for the other one is the price. You can create a marketing campaign that satisfies both criterias, by creating two distinct landing pages, one for each criteria, and then with a short link, your redirect visitors based on geo-targeting.

Customized content for everybody: Redirect all visitors with the same link to landing pages they want to see!

This is how geo-targeting looks like for customized content with custom landing pages:

Different business advantages
Reality is a harsh teacher. We all know that. Not all markets are equal, not all customers receive the same special treatment your company has to offer. Whatever the business criteria is, you knew it very well. Maybe it’s just a shipping issue, maybe it’s just an import/export tax issue. Whatever the cause is, you cannot offer the same price for all. With owl URL, these kind of problems disappear instantly. You can redirect the visitors from countries with specific issues to landing pages related to tackle these nuisances.

Business efficient marketing: Redirect specific visitors to reduce shopping abandon rates!

This is how geo-targeting looks like with different business advantages for custom landing pages:

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