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New Release – owl KEYRA – statistics: GRAPH


We are very excited to share with you more information on our new owl KEYRA release:

owl KEYRA now has GRAPH, as a visual aid, for both mobile keyword monitoring and desktop keyword monitoring, for each customer.

We think you’re going to be very pleased with the new graph visual help.

Last week, we released a new feature for a few selected customers. We added a graph feature, as a simple visual help to provide instant feedback, on the overall performance of their important keyword segments. Check out this real example:


The graph for the desktop column shows a simple feedback for all monitored keywords. There is a total of 50 keywords monitored, from which – in green – there are 7 positions in top 100 and there is a remaining 43 still missing keywords – in grey – to be ranked in the upcoming months.

The graph for mobile, shows, the same data, however, there (for exemplifying purposes) we choose to switch numbers with the percentage. We found based on customer feedback, that for a larger number of monitored keywords this was more appreciated. Each customer can choose its displaying method, keeping the one, that suits its needs the most.

Now, let’s explore see the next graph visual aids and its meaning:


TOP 10 keywords: this graph focuses only on top 10 keywords. This means, that from all the existing keywords, from the previous graph, we zoom in and show in green, the existing number of top 10 positions, compared to grey, the rest of the keywords (outside top 10) position. Same optional feature for mobile and desktop, where you can choose between values or percentage.

TOP 25 keywords: this graph focuses only on top 25 keywords. This means, that from all the existing keywords, from the previous graph, we zoom in and show in green, the existing number of top 25 positions (including top 10), compared to grey, the rest of the keywords (outside top 25) position. This aims to show if you can expect upcoming keyword ranking position improvements or not. Same optional feature for mobile and desktop, where we can choose between values or percentage.

Notice influential SEO changes: owl KEYRA – mobile and desktop keyword position monitoring.

owl KEYRA’s GRAPH feature:
The main benefit of the data visualization, with a specific GRAPH is to understand with a single glance how your effort is ​rewarded, between languages on mobile/desktop keyword positions. For easy understanding, we positioned mobile graph right next to the desktop graph, so you can compare performance differences between them more easily.

owl KEYRA feature compatibility:
STATISTICS: LOCALE overview, as a new feature is available for all customers, without affecting your invoice. Customers, who don’t need the LOCALEtab, as COUNTRY tab has the same data, can choose to ignore this update for their convenience. The new release is compatible with the following recurrent reports:

  • All SERP’s: Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, or Yahoo.
  • All available language for each SERP: Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, or Yahoo.
  • International keyword position monitoring per country.
  • Local keyword position monitoring per country.
  • Desktop keyword position monitoring.
  • Mobile keyword position monitoring
  • Desktop + Mobile keyword position monitoring
  • Mobile keyword position URL
  • Desktop keyword position URL
  • Mobile keyword position + URL
  • Desktop keyword position + URL
  • Mobile & Desktop keyword position + URL

Monitor your keyword rankings with owl KEYRA – mobile and desktop Google position monitoring.

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