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new SERP keyword monitoring feature in STATISTICS tab

new SERP keyword monitoring feature in STATISTICS tab


We are very excited to present you a new feature implemented in the latest owl KEYRA release:

owl KEYRA now has in the STATISTICS tab for both mobile and desktop SERP keyword monitoring on search engine results pages (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex), for all customers the following new rows:

  1.    – the number of keywords that gained positions (↑)
  2.    – the number of keywords that lost positions (↓)
  3.    – the sum of positions gained (↑)
  4.    – the sum of positions lost (↓)

We think you’re going to be very pleased with the new visual help.

With the latest version released, the new SERP keyword monitoring feature in STATISTICS tab can be used by all customers. We added a few specific visual features, as a simple mode to provide better feedback, on the overall performance of their important keyword segments.

Check out these real examples from our customers:


owl KEYRA – keyword monitoring: Daily e-mail reports for MOBILE and DESKTOP keyword position monitoring on any SERP, any COUNTRY, any LANGUAGE.

keywords gaining position (↑)

The main benefit of noticing the total number of keywords that have improved positions is represented with the green fields. This shows the total number of keywords, that since their last position has climbed to a better position towards #1. This is always good news since your rankings for those specific keywords is better than the last time.

keywords losing position (↓)

The main benefit of noticing the total number of keywords that have lost positions is represented with the red fields. This shows the total number of keywords, that since their last position has dropped to a worse position towards #100. This is always bad news since your rankings for those specific keywords is worse than the last time.

total gained position (↑)

The main benefit of noticing the sum of newly gained positions, for keywords that have improved positions is represented with the green fields. This shows the sum of newly gained positions, that since their last position has climbed to a better position towards #1. This is always good news since your rankings for those specific keywords is better than the last time. As a simple example, let’s imagine you have two keywords: keyword-A and keyword-B. If keyword-A climbed 5 positions, and keyword-B climbed 15 positions; the total gained position (↑) is calculated like (-5)+(-15)=-20. So, the sum of newly gained positions is -20. Use this as a reference for keywords position variations; as a comparison between two specific reports or as competitor analysis for your SERP keyword monitoring.

total lost position (↑)

The main benefit of noticing the sum of newly lost positions, for keywords that have dropped positions is represented with the red fields. This shows the sum of newly lost positions, that since their last position has dropped to a worse position towards #100. This is always bad news since your rankings for those specific keywords is worse than the last time. As a simple example, let’s imagine you have two keywords: keyword-A and keyword-B. If keyword-A dropped 5 positions, and keyword-B dropped 15 positions; the total lost position (↑) is calculated like 5+15=20. So, the sum of newly gained positions is 20. Use this as a reference for keywords position variations; as a comparison between two specific reports or as competitor analysis for your SERP keyword monitoring.

Easy keyword position ranking report: Information presented the simplest way, straight in your inbox.

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