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Find out how much time can you save using our solution to track the ranking of your keywords. This tutorial is part of the owl KEYRA – features for your keyword position tracking.

How can you save time?
Using owl KEYRA you dont have to do nothing to reach your data. When you open an account with us, we set up the keywords for your domain on the desired daily/weekly/monthly recurrence. All keywords position data is sent to your inbox on the scheduled recurrence you required. From that moment, all you have to do is read your email. Want to see a sample of a ranking report. Check this out: owl KEYRA notification sample email.

Successful people understand the value of time. – Raymond Arroyo

How much time does owl KEYRA actually save?
Let’s break it down per single usage. We will start comparing our keywords position tracking solution, owl KEYRA, with the best solutions available to you on the market with the best case scenario. Ranking data for 100 keywords for a single domain. You already received your email notification, that the ranking data is available.

With owl KEYRA, you already have the data in your email. With another solution: you click on the link, the webpage opens (+1min), you log in, your profile or dashboard page opens (+1 min). Then you need to go to the page, where the report is displayed, select the desired filters to show you only the relevant data, wait for your specific the data to load (+3 min). You start analyzing the data in estimated 5 minutes.

Estimated daily usage in a week: with owl KEYRA, the keywords position tracking app, you have your data directly in your email. With another solution: 5 days X 5 minutes. That is more than 25+ min just to reach your data.

Estimated daily usage in a month: with owl KEYRA, the keywords position tracking app, you have your data directly in your email. With another solution: 21 days X 5 minutes. That is more than 105 min just to reach your data.

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. – Charles Darwin

Next comparison: You have several websites or several languages. This means you need ranking data for 100 keywords for 3 domains OR 300 keywords for a single domain. You already received your email notification, that the ranking data is available. With owl KEYRA, you already have the data in your email, from each domain. With another solution in daily comparison: 3 domains X 5 days X 5 minutes. That is more than 75+ minutes just to reach your data in a week.

Next comparison: You keep tabs on your competition. It’s cheaper to track their keywords, then to use any other competition monitoring solution. This means you need ranking data for 25-50 keywords for 10-15 domains. You already received your email notification, that the ranking data is available. With owl KEYRA, you already have the data in your email, from each domain. With another solution in weekly comparison: 10-15 domains X 5 minutes. That is more than ~50+/75+ minutes just to reach your data each time, once a week.

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