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Notice new competitors

Find out how can you notice new competitors without actively searching for them. This tutorial is part of the owl KEYRA – features for your keyword position tracking.

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. – Kofi Annan

Why check your competitors?
Even before you started your business niche, you were watching your competition. You did this to know where the marker was set, so you could go one step further. It’s all about finding new opportunities and setting new goals. And it should be like that. Be prepared! Start watching your competition if you are not doing it already!

How to spy on your competitors?
There are hundreds of options and tactics and solutions. We also provided a manual solution, that helps you, when you need to take charge and do it yourself: Stealth analysis.

The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds. – John F. Kennedy

How to spy on your future competitors?
So, you keep tabs on your current competitors. Nice! Now comes the hard part. How can you figure it out when a new competitor enters into the same business niche. How can find out fast about it? Well, you need to constantly monitor the available public zone!

Our proposal is simple: monitor your top competitors’ top keywords. Your important keywords (head term keywords, long tail keywords) and your competitors and a few news sources should be the top 100 results of any search engine. This means, that if you monitor your top competitors’ top keywords, like your own, you immediately notice when the worst is starting to lose position. When that loss is expanding to others, then you know, that a new presence is steadily gaining vital positions.

Monitoring 50 keywords for a competitor is a safe bet. Do a bulk of 100-200 if you want to be super safe. Monitoring 5-10 competitors is a safe bet. Monitor 25-30 competitors if you want to be super safe. A monthly recurrence is a safe bet. Do a weekly recurrence if you want to be super safe.

Other advantages of monitoring your competition:
– you notice immediate position gain, suggesting heavy marketing investment (never without a reason in business!)
– you notice grouped position loss, suggesting interest drop among consumers (never a good sign in business!)

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. – Benjamin Franklin

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