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Load Time Audit: Reduce your seconds!


How much is your time really worth ?
Or better, let's ask a more vital question: do you think, that your visitors value less their time, rather than waiting for your webpage to load? Because each page requests consists of time until a fully loaded webpage can be displayed (because of data transfer between visitor's computer and your hosting provider). This is called page load time. Page load time is the time it takes to download and display the entire content of a specific webpage in the visitor's browser (measured in seconds). Page load time, as a web performance metric that directly impacts your Google search engine ranking results. If the load time of a page on your website is too slow, visitors may simply leave your website because it takes too long to display your webpage's content.

Load Time Audit
Checking a specific webpage for speed related metrics is easy with tools like pingdom, gtmetrix, Pagespeed Insights or Chrome extensions. Load Time Audit is easy, you just enter your URL and wait for the results. However, when you have tens of pages or hundreds of pages or thousands of pages, things can get annoying and counterproductive fast. This is where owl WECRA jumps in, to save your day and your budget!

Load Time Audit: How much time it takes to load the entire content of ALL your webpages?

A simple audit report


We reduced the audit results in this sample picture, only to the TIME-related column - TIME (sec) - with the 7 best & worst load times to avoid any misunderstandings. Anybody can see clearly the difference in seconds! Once these troublesome pages are identified it is easier to drill down to identify the issues, that generate the big page sizes.

Common causes for big load times:

  1. Too many static resources (images, videos, emoticons, fonts).
  2. Non-optimised sizes for mobile (images, videos).
  3. Excessive usage of ads.
  4. Self-hosted embeds (videos, pdf).
  5. Too many redirects.
  6. Huge number of HTTP requests.

How fast should pages be?
The smaller is your webpage size, the faster it loads! No need to over-optimize, but keep it under the global average response time in seconds for each category:


Load Time Audit: How much time it takes to load EACH of your business critical webpages?
